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Video of Peyton Manning Throwing: Amateur Catches Peyton in the Act

Published by on March 3, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

In what has become a very good game of chess between Jim Irsay and Peyton Manning, the tables have once again been turned.

Let's look at the timeline of events so far.

Peyton injures his neck and has to sit out a year.

Colts land the rights to draft the player who everyone expects to be the next great quarterback, Andrew Luck.

Rumors surface that the Colts look to cut bait with their future Hall of Fame quarterback.

Peyton expresses displeasure with seeing all of his familiar faces in the Colts facilities leaving one by one.

Irsay blasts Manning for disgracing "The Horseshoe."

News is released that Manning's various neck surgeries are finally a success and that he could play on Super Bowl week if needed. 

Irsay lets it be known on twitter ...

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