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Vegas Rich Speaks Out: News and Notes

Published by on February 8, 2010
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Wow, what a great sports weekend topped off with a Super Bowl that lived up to its expectations and produced a champion that represents more than a football team's victory.

Nothing attracts more passion and compassion than an underdog. In this case, the underdog was not the New Orleans Saints football team; remember they were the No. 1 seed from the NFC. It was the entire Gulf Coast of the United States. Not since 9/11 has there been as devastating an event as Hurricane Katrina and the initial abysmal effort by the United States Government to come to the aid of the area.

Eighty-five percent of the city of New Orleans was underwater. Imagine New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles in that circumstance. The loss of life would be in the millions. In an ironic state of the times we live in, it can be said that Haiti actually benefited by the disaster of Katrina. T...

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