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The Devil’s Advocate: Your Team Is Run by a Moron!

Published by on March 16, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Remember when you were in a good mood five minutes ago? That was when your team was run by a genius.

Ah, but this is the Devil's Advocate. Each week, I'll take a position, defend it, and turn around and write the exact opposite. Just remember, the truth is always somewhere in between.

Today's Topic: Your team (and mine) is run by a moron!


Please. First, the city is still recovering from the Mensa convention that was Weaver/Del Rio. Now, Sahid Kahn comes in all slicked up, promising he's keeping the team in town. So with millions of dollars on the table in LA, we are supposed to believe he's smart for keeping the team in Jacksonville? Please.

Don't get me started on Blaine Gabbert. Gene Smith blew the pick and passed over Andy Dalton (not to...

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