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The Bluths Explain Football: The Indianapolis Colts Head to Training Camp

Published by on July 16, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Welcome back to the Bluths Explain Football, an ongoing series in which the cast of Arrested Development gives you insight into the AFC South.

Today's episode is "Beef Consomme." Let's see what it can teach us about the Indianapolis Colts' upcoming training camp.


Plot Summary

As the family prepares for George Sr.'s arraignment, Michael and Marta finally confess their feelings for each other, but decide they must tell Gob before going further. Meanwhile, Buster tells Gob he also has feelings for Marta. George Michael tries to determine if Maeby is really his biological cousin.

Michael finally tells Gob the truth, and Gob insincerely gives his permission for the relationship to begin. Gob gets angry when Michael acts on that permission, leading to a giant brawl at the arraignment. A disgusted...

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