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The Bluths Explain Football: An Indianapolis Colts Primer

Published by on June 5, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Welcome back to the Bluths Explain Football, an ongoing series in which the cast of Arrested Development gives you insight into the AFC South.

Today's episode is "Key Decisions." Let's see what it can teach us about the Indianapolis Colts' upcoming season.



Michael sells the family jet, leaving them with a stair car as their only vehicle. Lindsey briefly protests the Bluths' plan to remove a tree. Lucille and Buster attend a Latin soap-opera awards show.

Gob, frustrated with his girlfriend Marta, plans an elaborate escape from prison, leaving Michael to take Marta to the awards show. He falls for her.

Later, Gob gets shivved in jail, leading Marta to rush to his side. Buster begins dating his mother's best friend.

Oh, and that tree? Yeah, it got removed.



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