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Peyton Manning: What Do Struggles Mean for His Future With Indianapolis Colts?

Published by on December 1, 2010
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Peyton Manning is Indianapolis Colts football, but how much longer can he carry the franchise on his back?

Sitting at 6-5, the Colts are in the NFL's tightest division race. While their schedule is favorable, if they don't win the AFC South it is unlikely they will earn a wild card birth.

Missing the playoffs for the first time since the 2001 would put Manning's Colts in a scramble—is it time to plan for the future or focus on the now? Even if Indy does make the playoffs, their lack of depth at almost every position has been exposed this season.

It all starts with the 34-year-old Manning (35 in March), whose contract is up after this season.

It seems impossible Peyton would test the free-agent waters, and while the same could have been said for Derek Jeter the differences are too vast to began speculation. Seriously, Manning on the Bills, Vikings, or Raiders seems too un...

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