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Peyton Manning Voted MVP by NFL Magazine Is a Slap in the Face to All Players

Published by on December 8, 2011
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

The league-run NFL Magazine premiered this week with an article entitled: "Our Man Manning. Without even playing a down, Peyton's proven he's the NFL MVP." (via LA Times.)

The LA Times also quoted publisher and editor-in-chief of NFL Magazine, Mike Dunphy, as saying:

"Look, we all know who would win if we took a poll right now. Aaron Rodgers would absolutely kill it. But if the Colts end up going the way they're headed, the more it proves that Peyton really is the franchise ... Is he really the MVP? Everybody has an opinion on that, and this is ours."

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is pure stupidity and legitimately wrong.

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