Colts News NEWS

Peyton Manning to Be Released by Indianapolis and Become a Free Agent

Published by on March 7, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

The not-so-shocking news that Peyton Manning will be released from the Indianapolis Colts has finally been made official.

Manning, who has been with the Colts for his entire 14-season career, was due to receive a $28 million bonus if the Colts still had him on the roster after this Thursday. Manning had to sit out the entire season this year because of a neck injury that has required multiple surgeries.

The talk this offseason has been whether Manning will be able to play next year and if the nerves in his neck will be able to regenerate.

Now, the talk of the potential landing spots for Manning begins. I think that Manning will likely go to the Dolphins. They have a lot of talent in place on both sides of the ball. Their biggest shortcoming has been their quarterback.

Their defense...

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