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Peyton Manning Leaving the Colts Would Be a Sad Day in Sports

Published by on February 21, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Peyton Manning has spent his entire 14-year career as an Indianapolis Colt. His departure from the team would see the continuation of a sad trend sports today.

When you think of Manning, you think of the Colts. When you think of the Colts, you think of Manning. He has embraced the city of Indianapolis and has become the team for over a decade.

The situation that the Colts are in is unique. They have an aging quarterback who is coming off neck surgery and have the chance to take a highly-touted quarterback with the overall number one pick in the draft.

That scenario might never be seen again in the NFL. There is a good chance that Manning will leave the team as they will make a transition to Andrew Luck.

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