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Peyton Manning Continues to be Confounded by the 3-4 Defense

Published by on November 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

To be fair to Manning, he doesn’t always struggle against the 3-4. But if you look at his worst playoff performances, it’s been against teams that run the 3-4.

What is it about the 3-4 that makes it so hard for the Colts offense, and in particular Manning and the offensive line, to be successful against it? To be fair, most quarterbacks struggle against the 3-4, it’s just a matter of degrees. Manning seems to struggle more than most.

Understanding the 3-4 and how it differs From the 4-3:


As the name implies, the 3-4 defense is comprised of three defensive lineman and four linebackers.

The Linemen:

Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts
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