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Peyton Manning: Are We Witnessing His Downfall? Not Quite

Published by on December 6, 2010
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

There is one universal truth in sports and that is that at some point, age catches up to athletes, even the ones that stand the tallest and shine the brightest.

For some, like Derek Jeter, it happens overnight, when the player will go from the league’s best at his position and a serious MVP candidate one year to notching career lows in just about every statistical category the next. For others, like Shaquille O’Neal, it’s a slow process in which the player isn’t the most feared and dominant force he once was, but can still be the best player on the floor some nights even as he continues to age.

That brings us to the case of Peyton Manning. The all-time great, surefire first ballot Hall of Fame quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts has begun to look awfully ordinary over the past month. Or awful and ordinary, however you’d like to word it.

Starting with a...

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