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Indianapolis Colts Signing Matt Hasselbeck Continues Misconception of Backup QB

Published by on March 26, 2013
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

The signing of Matt Hasselbeck has Indianapolis Colts fans divided.  Some are outraged by the large contract, while others are happy that the team brought in a backup plan in the event that Andrew Luck goes down.

However, when you really think about, is there such a thing as a backup plan at the quarterback position?

Hasselbeck was signed for a two-year deal for $8 million over the contract.  Ryan Grigson had a lot of cap room over the offseason and gave a big contract to a veteran quarterback just in case the future of the franchise gets injured.

The idea of a backup plan at the quarterback position has become a huge misconception in the Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts
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