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Indianapolis Colts’ Draft History: Who Is the Best Player Taken in Each Round?

Published by on April 8, 2011
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

The Indianapolis Colts don't rely on free agency or trades to build a championship team, they do it through the draft. Rather than depend on outside help the Colts do it themselves, evaluating, drafting and grooming players who will play instrumental roles as the Colts contend for championships year after year. 

Indianapolis has always been known as a favorite destination among players drafted in the lower rounds or those un-drafted free agents hoping to make a team because the Colts' philosophy offers every player a chance regardless of their draft position.

For those who make it, however, the pressure is high and the learning curve steep as Peyton Manning and other established veterans do not wait around for rookies to catch up.

If you make the final roster in Indianapolis, you are expected to play, which is why so much emphasis in the Colts' war...

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