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Indianapolis Colts Cannot Blame Winless Season Solely on Peyton Manning’s Injury

Published by on December 7, 2011
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

When the news hit that the Indianapolis Colts would be without their 11-time Pro Bowl QB, Peyton Manning, for likely the duration of the season, everyone immediately crossed them out as a postseason threat this year. At the loss of a single player, Indy turned from a perennial playoff contender to a team scrounging for wins against the weakest of opponents.

While Manning is, without a doubt, the crutch of the Indianapolis Colts, is it really possible to put all of the blame of their losing record on one player?

The answer is no.

You can argue that Manning adds at least two touchdowns to every game the Colts have played this season, giving them a winning record of 8-4, but the real problem with Indy lies within the defense. 

In 11 of their...

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