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Indianapolis Colts: Bill Polian the Main Ingredient in Formula to Their Failure

Published by on December 6, 2010
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Regardless of who likes them or not, nobody could have predicted this bad of a hangover for the Indianapolis Colts this season.

The Colts have played their worst football in years over the past month, and legendary quarterback Peyton Manning has not been himself either.

Manning's recent numbers over the past month are comparable to his rookie year, but there are too many reasons for his inconsistency. In fact, Peyton doesn’t deserve to take the full blame.

Let’s take a look at the laundry list of problems for this former AFC power, as the Colts look to recapture the season and take the division title with four games left to play.


Offensive Line

Peyton Manning's protection has been at its worst since the early days of his career, as Ryan Deim and Jeff Satu...

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