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Indianapolis Colts Advanced Stat of the Week: Adjusted Games Lost

Published by on June 13, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Hold on to your hats, Colts fans, I'm about to blow your mind with next-level analysis.

The 2011 Colts had their season derailed by injuries.

No, no, hold your accolades. I'll give you time to catch your breath. I know that bit of wisdom knocked you clean on your ass. Collect yourself and keep reading.

This week, Advanced Stat of the Week will look at Adjusted Games Lost (AGL), to see what it can tell us about the Colts.

Adjusted Games Lost is a great metric that helps to ascertain the real impact of injuries on a team. In short, it gives teams credit not only for the actual games missed by starters, but for the consequences of injuries in terms of lost practice time and diminished performance.

Anytime a starer is ruled out, a team gets credit for one game lost. The team gets partial credit for games in which a ...

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