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Indianapolis Colts: 5 Players That Will Determine the Success of Luck’s Season

Published by on August 22, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Andrew Luck has looked like an NFL veteran in his first two preseason starts.  So far, he has lived up to the hype.  

However, this is only preseason.  Teams aren't game-planning against him.  He is seeing vanilla coverages for the most part, and the defensive players he's facing aren't going all out yet.

Much of Luck's success this season will depend on the supporting cast around him.  Rookie quarterbacks need as much help as they can get.

Here are five people that will determine the success of Luck's season.


Reggie Wayne

Luck's No. 1 wide receiver looks outstanding so far in preseason.  There appears to be developing chemistry between the rookie quarterback and his v...

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