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Fantasy Football 2012: Is Andrew Luck Deserving of an Early Round Pick?

Published by on August 20, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

American journalist Heywood Broun once wrote that, "God, as some cynic has said, is always on the side which has the best football coach."

Broun was, of course, being famously ironic, but his words can nevertheless be applied to the frustratingly brilliant world of fantasy football; the dimension of the sport that every wannabe coach loves to hate.

Quarterback always has, and always will be a vital pick for any side. This year it’s Andrew Luck of whom many will ask, "Is he worth the punt?"

The 2012 NFL draft first overall selection has a lot riding on his rookie season, as does any aspiring athlete who performs wonders in their youth.

After Indianapolis endured a dreadful 2011-12 campaign that saw them win just two games, it’s with the 22-year-old that seemingly lies the hopes of the entire team’s revival.

Depending on the character of the young prospect, Luck will either ...

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