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Colts Release Peyton Manning, Close to Letting Bad History Repeat Itself

Published by on March 7, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Peyton Manning has been released, and now the Colts will be putting their future in the hands of an unproven rookie instead of the man that led them to eight division titles, a Super Bowl victory and a brand new stadium.

Peyton defined Indianapolis football for 14 years, turning a Colts team from laughing stock to perennial contender—all with a team that would most likely go 2-14 without him—as evidenced by last season’s collapse without him.

To put it lightly, Peyton Manning equals 10 wins at the minimum. That Colts team was largely unchanged from the season before, when they won the AFC South with a 10-6 record, following up a 14-2 season and a league MVP year....

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