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Colts Fans Against Peyton Fans: Time to Distinguish Between the Two

Published by on March 7, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

If you have any ability whatsoever to think logically and objectively as the fan of a team, then you must understand that what happened today in Indianapolis was the only option.

Now, for the majority of Colts fans, I'll try to explain why there was no way around the emotional divorce between Jim Irsay and Peyton Manning today.

You could see the pain in their faces and feel the disappointment in this awful situation as the two spoke. They explained that it was what neither wanted, but both knew had to happen. It wasn't boss and employee, rather just Jim and Peyton. Their words came from the heart, and it wouldn't have been right if it had happened any other way.

But in the midst of the bittersweet moments today, I found myself trying to view this as a business deal. Attempting to ...

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