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Andrew Luck: Skip Bayless Says Indy Is Making a Mistake (and He Might Be Right)

Published by on April 19, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Skip Bayless says crazy things. It's sort of his job.

In other news, the sun shined, the earth rotated on its axis and water continued possessing wetness in large quantities.

He's paid to agitate, annoy and stir up the passions of fans.

When I heard he had declared that the Indianapolis Colts were making a mistake by taking Andrew Luck over Robert Griffin III, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that Bayless was talking nonsense.

I prepared a whole litany of great Bayless insults and jokes to use in my column tonight. I've already taken a stand on Luck, and I firmly believe that Skip Bayle...

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