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AFC South Secret Stars: Antoine Bethea Deserves Recognition

Published by on August 2, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

As we peruse the AFC South for the most overlooked and underappreciated players, we settle on perhaps the definition of the type in Antoine Bethea of the Indianapolis Colts.

While he has been to the Pro Bowl, there were no such postseason accolades for the veteran safety last year. How could there be for a man anchoring possibly the worst secondary in football?

Of course, without the steady and often brilliant play of Bethea, the 2011 Colts could have been one of the worst secondaries in history. Bethea single-highhandedly helped the defense be terrible instead of historically bad.

Bethea spent the early part of his career in the shadows of his more renowned teammate, Bob Sanders. Whereas Sanders could never stay on the field, Bethea can't be pried away from it, having made every ...

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