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AFC South Devil’s Advocate: What If Andrew Luck Was a Mistake for the Colts?

Published by on June 4, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Welcome back to the Devil's Advocate!

I tried this series early on in my tenure here at Bleacher Report, and while I was satisfied with the results, it was clear to me that many readers just didn't get the concept. I temporarily retired the feature while I tried to work out how to make it more accessible.

Today it's back, and I want to start with a concept that should be easy to understand. I am not going to write an article called, "Why the Colts Did a Good Job Drafting Andrew Luck." That article would be subtitled, "Every Draft Article Written for the Past Six Months, with the Exception of People Trying to Stir the Pot About RG3."

No, there is really no reason to lay out why Luck was a great pick. However, just for the sake of argument, let's talk about what happen...

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