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AFC South Advanced Stat of the Week: Indianapolis Colts

Published by on April 17, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

The Advanced Stat of the Week this week is Passer Rating Differential.

Passer rating has scores of critics. The most common complaints are that it overvalues completion percentage, it has no opponent adjustment, it has no way of adjusting for game situation, it doesn't value running at all, it doesn't account for sacks or fumbles, it is ridiculously hard to calculate and it was scaled in the 1970s, making it notoriously useless for comparing quarterbacks of different eras.

Other than that, it's great!

Actually, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for passer rating. Aside from the fact that it correlates well with winning, it always seemed like the stat that Joe Montana led the league in, and that has to count for something, right?

I realize that I'm being uncharacteristically kindhearted to the deeply flawed and possibly useless number, b...

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