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2012 NFL Free Agency: Peyton Manning and Backup Plans for Every Team

Published by on February 22, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

How dare New York Knicks guard Jeremy Lin hijack the sports world’s attention away from still-brittle Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning.

Ever since the Colts clinched the first pick in this April’s NFL draft way back in December, the media has been fascinated with the tit-for-tat dialogue between No. 18 and Indy owner Jim Irsay. Sporting outlets have burned countless on-air hours and thousands of words trying to predict where the world’s most famous neck will end up—if he doesn’t retire. Should Manning return, a number of franchises will surely fight for his services, but only one fanbase will land Eli’s older brother. The spurned teams need not worry, as there are measures every NFL club can take to hedge themselves should they lose the Peyton...

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