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2012 NFL Draft: The Indianapolis Colts’ Worst-Case Scenario

Published by on April 3, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

For any team, the worst-case scenario in the draft is simple: take a guy who gets hurt immediately. This week, however, we'll be looking at each team in the South, pinning down their nightmare draft scenario.

Because I believe that teams should always take the best available player, the worst-case scenario for a front office occurs when the best player on the board happens to fall at a position that they don't need or don't value. That forces a difficult decision. The pick can be traded if there is a partner willing to deal, but if none can be found then the general manager has to make the ultimate tough call.

Should he take the best player on the board or pass up talent to fill a need?

It's the worst-case scenario. Either choice is unsavory. You can never have too much talent at a position, but it's always better when the stars align perfectly and a team can take a player who make...

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