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2012 NFL Draft: Andrew Luck Will Struggle in His Rookie Year

Published by on April 23, 2012
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Thursday, April 26, 2012, will be one of the worst days in Andrew Luck's life.

It is the day he leaves the cushy bosom of Palo Alto for Indianapolis. It is the day he leaves one of the most professionally-run college programs for one of the most amateur professional outfits.

Luck is trading world-class professors and one of the most beautiful places on earth for a generic, Midwestern metropolis and some old dude with a goatee who tweets a lot.

That alone has to be somewhat depressing for the soon to be No. 1 pick. Factor in how awful the Colts are from top to bottom and Luck's situation goes from mildly depressing to soul-crushing.

Everyone is fully aware of Peyton Manning's trials and tribulations during his first season with the...

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